I don’t know why but if i update three.js from 0.169.0 to 0.170.0 my grid looks not well rendered and dotted. I don’t find anything for this in the changelog.
I don’t know why but if i update three.js from 0.169.0 to 0.170.0 my grid looks not well rendered and dotted. I don’t find anything for this in the changelog.
It could be something specific to your system or to how you create the grid. When I try THREE.GridHelper
I see no difference between, let’s say, 0.162.0 and 0.172.0.
Thx, for the fast response.
This could be a problem where and how I call my renderer. Do you know from changes where I should change my renderer ? How did you call your renderer and which config did you use ?
It seems that the problem is caused during post processing steps. Can you try to use the fxaa shader ?
This is caused because of the new fxaa-shader which changed in 0.170.0. This issue was handled here: FXAA-Shader shows grid not clear anymore · Issue #30423 · mrdoob/three.js · GitHub
I took the option to copy the old shader implementation.