So i’ve recently been working on a little game engine for fun using three.js ^^
(i asked chatgpt to build this scene for funnies)
It’s a pretty basic 3D Game Engine, and still needs heavy work!
If I can recall correctly, here’s what’s been implemented so far:
- Basic Camera Controls (although needs work)
- A Window System rather than Side Panels ( i struggled making panels ;-; )
- A barely working preview button (switches to game camera, no player behaviour on it or smth)
- Sky w/ Sun (Adjustable)
- Tonemapping
- Sunlight parameters
- Scene Switching
I’m currently working on the inspector (which is basically a properties tab), currently it displays information but cant modify, so will need to work on that ^^
If you wish to contribute in the near future or just check out src, ive provided the repo below
If you’re interested in giving the engine a try, check it out ig :3 (as im writing this, i havent pushed changes just yet, will do so in the evening)