GLTFExporter Animations (animationClips) not getting included

Having some issues with GLTFExporter, doing an export on an imported fbx that then has more fbx files imported and converted to animationClips, these then get added to the original models animations. They play back in the browser perfectly well with no problems at all.

Then i will try to do the GLTFExporter and include them via:

        binary: false,
        animations: [...model.animations], // also tried animations: [model.animations] and animations: model.animations
        trs: true,
        forceIndices: true,
        forcePowerOfTwoTextures: true,

none of these will include themselves at all and i am really confused as to what i can do to sort this out, i did extend the converter:

class CustomGLTFExporter extends GLTFExporter {
  constructor() {

  parse(input, onDone, options) {
      (result) => {

the input console log shows animations, the output does not.

The bits in the animation clips have the same names as the meshes they affect etc which are inside the model (without this i do think they would not animate in the canvas anyway when the clips are played, but of course they do).

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated
