GLTF Model exploding after bone transformations?

I am dynamically updating the bones on gltf model I have loaded in my scene. This is the function I’m using to rotate the bones and update them:

            THREE.Bone.prototype.lookAtWorld = function(position) {
                const parentBone = this.parent;

            THREE.Bone.prototype.lookAtLocal = function(position) {
                let direction = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(position).normalize()
                let pitch = Math.asin(-direction.y)
                let yaw = Math.atan2(-direction.x, direction.z); // Beware cos(pitch)==0, catch this exception!
                let roll = Math.PI; 
                this.rotation.set(roll, yaw, pitch);
                // console.log(roll, yaw, pitch);
                // console.log(THREE.MathUtils.radToDeg(roll), THREE.MathUtils.radToDeg(yaw), THREE.MathUtils.radToDeg(pitch));

So for each bone, I’m calling lookAtWorld() to transform them relative to world space.

It seems that these transformations eventually cause my model to explode after some time:

I believe this is the cause because I found that if I update the bones 5 per frame instead of just once, the blow up happens much faster.

Why is this happening? is there some kind of update I should be running on the skinned mesh, skeleton, or bones after each bone transformation?

all code:

async function loadRigg(model_path) {

        async function loadModel(model_path) {
            const loader = new GLTFLoader();
            return new Promise(
                (resolve, reject) => 
                loader.load(model_path, model => resolve(model), null, reject)
        function mapModel(model) {
            let rigg = {}
            rigg.scene = model.scene;
            rigg.Object3D = model.scene.children[0];
            rigg.skinned_mesh = rigg.Object3D.children[1];
            rigg.skeleton = rigg.skinned_mesh.skeleton;
            rigg.helper = new THREE.SkeletonHelper(rigg.skeleton.bones[0]);
            let bones = rigg.skeleton.bones;
            rigg.forearm = bones[0];
            rigg.wrist = bones[1];
            rigg.palm = bones[2];
            rigg.thumb = bones.slice(3, 7);
            rigg.index = bones.slice(7, 11);
            rigg.middle = bones.slice(11, 15);
            rigg.ring = bones.slice(15, 19);
            rigg.pinky = bones.slice(19, 23);

            THREE.Bone.prototype.lookAtLocal = function(position) {
                let direction = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(position).normalize()
                let pitch = Math.asin(-direction.y)
                let yaw = Math.atan2(-direction.x, direction.z); // Beware cos(pitch)==0, catch this exception!
                let roll = Math.PI; 
                this.rotation.set(roll, yaw, pitch);
                // console.log(roll, yaw, pitch);
                // console.log(THREE.MathUtils.radToDeg(roll), THREE.MathUtils.radToDeg(yaw), THREE.MathUtils.radToDeg(pitch));
            THREE.Bone.prototype.lookAtWorld = function(position) {
                const parentBone = this.parent;

            rigg.resetOrientation = function() {
                rigg.Object3D.rotation.z = Math.PI / 2
                rigg.forearm.position.set(0, 0, 0)
                rigg.forearm.quaternion.set(0.44647279381752014, -0.5598294138908386, -0.498911589384079, 0.48820120096206665)
            rigg.setOrientation = function(q) {
                rigg.forearm.quaternion.set(q.y, q.z, q.x, q.w)
                rigg.forearm.rotation.x += Math.PI / 2
            rigg.setPose = function(pose) {
                for (let finger of ["index", "middle", "ring", "pinky", "thumb"]) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                        rigg[finger][i].lookAtWorld(pose[finger + "-direction"][i])

            return rigg;

        let gltf = await loadModel(model_path);
        let rigg = mapModel(gltf);
        return rigg;