Hello everyone, I’m currently trying to apply a transformation to a 3D model.
Whenever the data value changes, the data should be reloaded so the new transformation can be applied.
The first time I load the model, it looks perfectly fine:
But as soon as the data changes, the pos and rot transformations get applied again, to the already transformed model (at least that’s what I think, that’s what happens).
Can I reload the model somehow so that I can start every transformation from the base transformation?
Here is my current implementation:
type GLTFResult = GLTF & {
nodes: {
Object_2: THREE.Mesh
materials: {
[‘Scene_-Root’]: THREE.MeshStandardMaterial
['Scene-_Root’]: THREE.MeshStandardMaterial
}interface PelvisProps{
data: Folder
pos: [number, number, number];
rot: [number, number, number];
opacityParameter: number;
export const PelvisDynamic: React.FC = React.memo(({ data, pos, rot, opacityParameter, …props }) => {
const {nodes} = useGLTF(‘/models/female_texture.glb’) as GLTFResultfunction calculateWeight(distance, influenceRadius) { if (distance > influenceRadius) { return 0; } return Math.exp(-Math.pow(distance / influenceRadius, 20)); } React.useEffect(() => { if(data){ const {nodes} = useGLTF('/models/female_texture.glb') as GLTFResult const vector_model_symphysis_position: number[] = [0, 0, 0] const vector_model_coccyg_position: number[] = [-98, 60, 0] const vector_model_ischial_spine_left_position: number[] = [-55, 27, 57] const vector_model_ischial_spine_right_position: number[] = [-57, 28, -55] const positionAttribute = nodes.Object_2.geometry.attributes.position; const positions = positionAttribute.array as number[]; const vertexCount = positionAttribute.count; const rotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(-Math.PI / 2, 0 , Math.PI / 2, 'XYZ')); const translationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(0, 555, -2); const transformationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(translationMatrix, rotationMatrix); const symphysis_datapoint = data.children.find(child => child.name === "Symphysis") as Datapoint | undefined; const coccyg_datapoint = data.children.find(child => child.name === "Coccyg") as Datapoint | undefined; const ischial_spine_left_datapoint = (data.children.find(child => child.name === "Ischial spine") as Folder | undefined)?.children.find(child => child.name === "left") as Datapoint | undefined; const ischial_spine_right_datapoint = (data.children.find(child => child.name === "Ischial spine") as Folder | undefined)?.children.find(child => child.name === "right") as Datapoint | undefined; const x_scale_distance: number = coccyg_datapoint && symphysis_datapoint ? Math.abs(coccyg_datapoint?.pics_x - symphysis_datapoint?.pics_x) : 0; const y_scale_distance: number = coccyg_datapoint && symphysis_datapoint ? Math.abs(coccyg_datapoint?.pics_y - symphysis_datapoint?.pics_y) : 0; const z_scale_distance: number = ischial_spine_left_datapoint && ischial_spine_right_datapoint && symphysis_datapoint ? (Math.abs(ischial_spine_left_datapoint?.pics_z) > Math.abs(ischial_spine_right_datapoint?.pics_z)) ? (Math.abs(ischial_spine_left_datapoint?.pics_z - symphysis_datapoint?.pics_z)) : (Math.abs(ischial_spine_right_datapoint?.pics_z - symphysis_datapoint?.pics_z)) : 0 const x_model_distance: number = Math.abs(vector_model_coccyg_position[0] - vector_model_symphysis_position[0]) const y_model_distance: number = Math.abs(vector_model_coccyg_position[1] - vector_model_symphysis_position[1]) const z_model_distance: number = Math.abs(vector_model_ischial_spine_left_position[2]) > Math.abs(vector_model_ischial_spine_right_position[2]) ? Math.abs(vector_model_ischial_spine_left_position[2] - vector_model_symphysis_position[2]) : Math.abs(vector_model_ischial_spine_right_position[2] - vector_model_symphysis_position[2]) const x_scale = x_scale_distance / x_model_distance const y_scale = y_scale_distance / y_model_distance const z_scale = (z_scale_distance / z_model_distance) for (let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { let vertex = new THREE.Vector3(positions[i * 3], positions[i * 3 + 1], positions[i * 3 + 2]); vertex.applyMatrix4(transformationMatrix); positions[i * 3] = vertex.x * x_scale; positions[i * 3 + 1] = vertex.y * y_scale; positions[i * 3 + 2] = vertex.z * z_scale; } positionAttribute.needsUpdate = true; } }, [data]); return ( <> <group {...props} dispose={null}> <mesh frustumCulled = {false} geometry={nodes.Object_2.geometry}> <meshMatcapMaterial color={'white'} transparent={true} depthWrite={opacityParameter > 50 ? true: false} opacity={opacityParameter / 100}/> </mesh> </group> </> )
Thank you in advance!