GLTF Exporter unable to export animation with morph target that load using FBXLoader

Hi, I’m encounter some issue when try to export the model along with animation that load form FBXLoader

It keep showing error like this

Error: THREE.GLTFExporter: Morph target name not found: 0

After some investigation, I found the following

Inside examples/jsm/loaders/FBXLoader.js

generateMorphTrack( rawTracks ) {

		const curves = rawTracks.DeformPercent.curves.morph;
		const values = function ( val ) {

			return val / 100;

		} );

		const morphNum = sceneGraph.getObjectByName( rawTracks.modelName ).morphTargetDictionary[ rawTracks.morphName ];

		return new NumberKeyframeTrack( rawTracks.modelName + '.morphTargetInfluences[' + morphNum + ']', curves.times, values );


When it generate morph target track, it will generate the track with the name something like head.morphTargetInfluences[0] where 0 is the index obtain from morphTargetDictionary by object name if I understand it correctly.

BUT inside examples/jsm/exporters/GLTFExporter.js on mergeMorphTargetTracks

const targetCount = sourceTrackNode.morphTargetInfluences.length;
const targetIndex = sourceTrackNode.morphTargetDictionary[ sourceTrackBinding.propertyIndex ];

if ( targetIndex === undefined ) {

throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFExporter: Morph target name not found: ' + sourceTrackBinding.propertyIndex );


it try to get targetIndex from morphTargetDictionary by sourceTrackBinding.propertyIndex which in this case will alway result in undefined because sourceTrackBinding.propertyIndex is not the morph target name, its already morph target index (0 in my above example).

This is example of my morphTargetDictionary (just standard 52 blend shapes)

browDownLeft: 41
browDownRight: 42
browInnerUp: 43
browOuterUpLeft: 44
browOuterUpRight: 45

I don’t know whether this is an intended behavior or not? or I do miss something else?
I also try to import my FBX model with its animation inside ThreeJS Editor website as well, when I’m try export it in GLTF, I encounter with the same error. (If the animation is not contains morph target, everything work just fine though)

If you’re able to share a FBX model that reproduces the error, it might be best to file a bug – I think it would need to be fixed in either the loader or the exporter.

Here is the model I have been working with

1_(5).fbx (3.5 MB)