hello ,
ive seen with heavy scene i ve got better performance with chromium ( under linux and window ) and edge ( under window ) than firefox ( under linux and window ) . So it isn’t a problem coming from linux or window it is really a problem coming from firefox
question : do you know why firefox is getting less performance in webgl than other navigator ( fps can drop drop until 10/20 fps while chromium and edge reach and keep 60 fps for the same scene?
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If you think Chromium based browsers are faster than Firefox, I suggest you provide proper performance measurements and report the results to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ as an issue. Hopefully the people at Mozilla are then able to locate bottlenecks and fixing them.
thank for the link . And indeed , if i does write webgl performance i ve got lot of message about issue , so it is probably a well know problem for firefox team . It is probably hard for mozilla to solve problem .