Finished Up My New Site & Added Some Hidden Challenges

I started learning ThreeJS and Javascript about 3 years ago now, all with the objective of making a really cool interactive site for myself. That snowballed into learning React, R3F, Tailwind, Blender and a thousand other things. Before, my web skills were essentially setting up Wordpress installs + premade themes or page builders. I built this site in particular with NextJS and React Three Fiber, so it feels really great to build something from the ground up myself.

I went through so many ideas and iterations during this time and finally landed on doing my solo work under the umbrella of a “creative studio” that I’ve named Exit Eleven. There are still things to tweak and fix on it but I’ve been trying hard to fight against perfectionism and not doing anything, so I decided to just put out and see how it goes.

Some of my favorite pieces from the site are:

  • GSAP Scrolltrigger animating content + camera movements

  • Utilizing a mobile device as a remote control to “change channels” (video textures) on your desktop session.

  • A hidden game / quest that you can try to complete by achieving 5 objectives. (hint: it starts with the Konami code on desktop)