Edit a blender model after imported to Three.js

If I create a model garage in blender and import it into Three.js. Can I then dynamically resize it from Three.js via input from a gui? Is this preferred or should I build it in Three.js if I need it to be resizable and interchange options such as window sizes etc… Thanks in advanced for you input.

The official editor might be a good source of inspiration for you. But be aware that it is a so called scene editor. If you want to edit the geometry on vertex or face level, you should do this in a content creation tool like Blender.

Mugen87, thanks for the info. I may need to clarify. Im asking if I can resize a blender model after it’s been deployed to Three.js. Can I it be changed in width and height etc… by using a user interface or custom form?


You can of course scale models in the editor but more complex modeling operations are not offered. I think this is something you have to implement by yourself.

I also had a similar problem. How did you solve it?

Hi kel,

For my use I found it best to Build the building in three.js and not import the building model. Each wall is a separate mesh that is resized and relocated as the gui is updated. Other items that do not change size such as door knobs etc I will import as models.