Dracoloader failed to load uv2 normally

In order to use the lightmap mesh, uv2 is required, but the dracoloader cannot load uv2 normally. I modified the default loading configuration, but the loaded uv2 is not normal

		this.defaultAttributeIDs = {
			position: 'POSITION',
			normal: 'NORMAL',
			color: 'COLOR',
			uv: 'TEX_COORD',
			uv2: 'TEX_COORD1'
		this.defaultAttributeTypes = {
			position: 'Float32Array',
			normal: 'Float32Array',
			color: 'Float32Array',
			uv: 'Float32Array',
			uv2: 'Float32Array'

cube.drc (399 Bytes)
测试Drc 文件
