Hello, everybody.
I am working with Threex.domEvents library now.
So at first time, everything works well. but now it has gone wrong so I am not sure why it is not working.
Here is my code.
gltfLoader.load('/assets/model/house/front_door.gltf', function (object) {
testva = object.scene;
domEvent.addEventListener(testva, 'click', function () {
transformControl.attach( testva );
scene.add( transformControl );
and here is my screen record video.
so what I want to do is when I click the object, it should have a focus of transformControl.
It performed perfectly at first and I made some changes in my project.
After this, it is not working.
As I think, there is no wrong in logic.
What is wrong in my code?
I attached my whole project here.