Detect MMD animation is end or not

MMD animation will loop after ended. Is there any way to stop the loop?
I don’t want the animation loop again. Just play one time.
I can just pause/play when the animation is not ended, but I don’t know how to detect the whole animation is ended or not.
Hope someone know the answer. A lot of thanks!

Here is the code.

function animate() {

	requestAnimationFrame( animate );

function render() {

	if (status == "play"){
		helper.update( clock.getDelta() );							

	effect.render( scene, camera );

MMD animation will loop after ended. Is there any way to stop the loop?

to avoid loop you need to set the repetitions in your mixer


how to detect the whole animation is ended or not?

you need a eventListener

your_mixer_var.addEventListener( ‘finished’, a_variable = (e)=>
//YOUR CODE HERE (will run when the animation has ended)

//**remember delete the addeventlistiner to avoid multiple instances
your_mixer_var.removeEventListener(‘finished’, a_variable);


You can use addEventlistener loop to detect when is looping and stop the animation

your_mixer_var.addEventListener( ‘loop’, your_variable_loop = (e)=> {

//This code runs in every loop


//IF your want detroy the loop listener
//**remember delete the addeventlistiner to avoid multiple instances


for more info look the documentation for AnimationAction
