Custom material shader error

I have made the following material shader below but I constantly get the following error and cannot figure out why this is happening:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toArray' of undefined
at Rb (three-r94.min.js:42)
at Te.jg [as setValue] (three-r94.min.js:48)
at Function.eb.upload (three-r94.min.js:614)
at n (three-r94.min.js:173)
at m (three-r94.min.js:162)
at l (three-r94.min.js:161)
at ae.render (three-r94.min.js:196)

Here is the shader:

'multicolor' : {
uniforms: {
    "colChoice":{type: "v3v", value:[new THREE.Color( 0xef5350 ), // pink
	            					 new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ), // white
    "allPos":{type: "v3v",value:[new THREE.Vector3(0., 0., 0.),
    							 new THREE.Vector3(0., 0., 0.),
    							 ]}, // filled with 450 vals from main js
    "numBlobs":{type: "i",value: 2 },
    "bStrength":{type: "f",value: 0.61 },
    "bSubstract":{type: "f",value: 25. },
    "bDistance":{type: "f",value: 0.12 }, 
vertexShader: [
	"uniform vec3 colChoice[450];",
	"varying vec3 vNormal;",
	"uniform float bStrength;",
	"uniform float bSubstract;",
	"uniform float bDistance;",
	"varying float mixScale;",
	"varying vec3 blobColor;",
	"varying vec3 otherColor;",
	"uniform vec3 allPos[450];",
	"uniform int numBlobs;",

	"float rand(vec2 n){",
	  "return 0.5 + 0.5 * fract(sin(dot(n.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233)))* 43758.5453);",
	"void main() {",
		"vec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",
		"vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",
		"vec3 worldNormal = normalize ( mat3( modelMatrix[0].xyz, modelMatrix[1].xyz, modelMatrix[2].xyz ) * normal );",
		"vNormal = normalize( normalMatrix * normal );",
		"gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;",
		"vec3 otherColor = colChoice[0];",
		"float distMin = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000.;",
		"float secondDistMin = 100000000000000000000000000000000000000.;",
		"float distV = 0.;",
		"for (int i=0;i<450;i++){",
				"if (i<numBlobs){",
	   				"distV = distance(allPos[i]/1200., position);",
	   				"if (distV<distMin){",
	   					"secondDistMin = distMin;",
	   					"otherColor = blobColor;",
	   					"blobColor = colChoice[i];",
   	 	"float mixScale = smoothstep(0.12,secondDistMin*1.12,distMin);",
   	 	"blobColor = mix(blobColor,otherColor,mixScale);",	 	
].join( "\n" ),
fragmentShader: [
	"varying vec3 blobColor;",
	"varying vec3 otherColor;",
	"varying vec3 vNormal;",
	"varying float mixScale;",		
	"void main() {",
		"vec3 finalColor = (vNormal*0.35)+ mix(blobColor,otherColor,mixScale);",
		"gl_FragColor = vec4(finalColor,1.0);",   			
].join( "\n" )


Can you please post the error message with an unminified version of three.js? Or even better demonstrate the issue with a live example.

I think the error can be reproduced with this fiddle. Not exactly the same geometry though but it should not matter for this