Yes, I understand, I will re-try to create an example. It will be hard to boil it down to a simple example as it is a rather complex project, that was migrated from ThreeJS 0.118.0 to 1.57.0 and the error only shows up there (in 0.118.0 it was working as expected).
Is there maybe any general advice what to look out for. I would also be willing to find the bug within ThreeJS myself. However, I currently have no understanding how and when the uniforms are actually filled (i.e. what mechanism decides which values are defined). Any additional information would be highly appreciated 
Maybe, if it helps, this is the content of the uniforms
alphaMap: {value: null}
alphaMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
alphaTest: {value: 0}
ambientLightColor: {value: Array(0)}
anisotropyMap: {value: null}
anisotropyMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
anisotropyVector: {value: Vector2}
aoMap: {value: null}
aoMapIntensity: {value: 1}
aoMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
attenuationColor: {value: Color}
attenuationDistance: {value: 0}
bumpMap: {value: null}
bumpMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
bumpScale: {value: 1}
clearcoat: {value: 0}
clearcoatMap: {value: null}
clearcoatMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
clearcoatNormalMap: {value: null}
clearcoatNormalMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
clearcoatNormalScale: {value: Vector2}
clearcoatRoughness: {value: 0}
clearcoatRoughnessMap: {value: null}
clearcoatRoughnessMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
clippingPlanes: {value: null, needsUpdate: false}
diffuse: {value: Color}
directionalLightShadows: {value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
directionalLights: {value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
directionalShadowMap: {value: Array(0)}
directionalShadowMatrix: {value: Array(0)}
displacementBias: {value: 0}
displacementMap: {value: null}
displacementMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
displacementScale: {value: 1}
emissive: {value: Color}
emissiveMap: {value: null}
emissiveMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
envMap: {value: null}
envMapIntensity: {value: 1}
flipEnvMap: {value: -1}
fogColor: {value: Color}
fogDensity: {value: 0.00025}
fogFar: {value: 2000}
fogNear: {value: 1}
hemisphereLights: {value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
ior: {value: 1.5}
iridescence: {value: 0}
iridescenceIOR: {value: 1.3}
iridescenceMap: {value: null}
iridescenceMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
iridescenceThicknessMap: {value: null}
iridescenceThicknessMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
iridescenceThicknessMaximum: {value: 400}
iridescenceThicknessMinimum: {value: 100}
lightMap: {value: null}
lightMapIntensity: {value: 1}
lightMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
lightProbe: {value: Array(0)}
ltc_1: {value: null}
ltc_2: {value: null}
map: {value: null}
mapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
metalness: {value: 0}
metalnessMap: {value: null}
metalnessMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
modelViewMatrix: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'modelViewMatrix', type: 'mat4', node: UniformNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform0: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform0', type: 'mat3', node: UniformNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform1: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform1', type: 'texture', node: TextureNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform2: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform2', type: 'mat4', node: UniformNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform3: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform3', type: 'texture', node: TextureNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform4: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform4', type: 'mat4', node: UniformNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform5: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform5', type: 'texture', node: TextureNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform6: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform6', type: 'mat4', node: UniformNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform8: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform8', type: 'texture', node: TextureNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform9: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform9', type: 'mat4', node: UniformNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform10: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform10', type: 'texture', node: TextureNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform11: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform11', type: 'texture', node: TextureNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
nodeUniform12: NodeUniform {isNodeUniform: true, name: 'nodeUniform12', type: 'mat4', node: UniformNode, needsUpdate: undefined}
normalMap: {value: null}
normalMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
normalScale: {value: Vector2}
opacity: {value: 1}
{value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
pointLights: {value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
pointShadowMap: {value: Array(0)}
pointShadowMatrix: {value: Array(0)}
rectAreaLights: {value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
reflectivity: {value: 1}
refractionRatio: {value: 0.98}
roughness: {value: 1}
roughnessMap: {value: null}
roughnessMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
sheen: {value: 0}
sheenColor: {value: Color}
sheenColorMap: {value: null}
sheenColorMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
sheenRoughness: {value: 1}
sheenRoughnessMap: {value: null}
sheenRoughnessMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
specularColor: {value: Color}
specularColorMap: {value: null}
specularColorMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
specularIntensity: {value: 1}
specularIntensityMap: {value: null}
specularIntensityMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
spotLightMap: {value: Array(0)}
spotLightMatrix: {value: Array(0)}
spotLightShadows: {value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
spotLights: {value: Array(0), properties: {…}}
spotShadowMap: {value: Array(0)}
thickness: {value: 0}
thicknessMap: {value: null}
thicknessMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
transmission: {value: 0}
transmissionMap: {value: null}
transmissionMapTransform: {value: Matrix3}
transmissionSamplerMap: {value: null}
transmissionSamplerSize: {value: Vector2}
[[Prototype]]: Object
This is the material
alphaHash: false
alphaMap: null
alphaToCoverage: false
blendDst: 205
blendDstAlpha: null
blendEquation: 100
blendEquationAlpha: null
blendSrc: 204
blendSrcAlpha: null
blending: 1
clipIntersection: false
clipShadows: false
clippingPlanes: null
colorWrite: true
depthFunc: 3
depthTest: true
depthWrite: true
displacementBias: 0
displacementMap: null
displacementScale: 1
dithering: false
forceSinglePass: false
isMaterial: true
isMeshDistanceMaterial: true
linewidth: 1
map: null
name: ""
opacity: 1
polygonOffset: false
polygonOffsetFactor: 0
polygonOffsetUnits: 0
precision: null
premultipliedAlpha: false
shadowSide: null
side: 1
stencilFail: 7680
stencilFunc: 519
stencilFuncMask: 255
stencilRef: 0
stencilWrite: false
stencilWriteMask: 255
stencilZFail: 7680
stencilZPass: 7680
toneMapped: true
transparent: false
type: "MeshDistanceMaterial"
userData: {}
uuid: "fa3e8378-8a92-449e-8ae9-2943e677e52e"
version: 0
vertexColors: false
visible: true
wireframe: false
wireframeLinewidth: 1
_alphaTest: 0
_listeners: {dispose: Array(1)}
id: 131
alphaTest: (...)
[[Prototype]]: Material