I have a JSON file with many coordinates (latitude, longitude, and elevation). These coordinates are very close together on the map, meaning that the values don’t change much.
What I want to do is draw a TubeGeometry with these coordinates, in other words, create a THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 with them.
I’ve tried two methods, but neither gives me a 100% satisfactory result:
The first method I tried is to directly pass the latitudes and longitudes to Vector3. However, the result I get is just a point (I suppose this happens because the coordinates are very close).
The second method is to calculate the minimum and maximum longitude and map each one between 0 and 1. Then I multiply it by a value to scale it.
coordinates.forEach((coordinate, index) => {
const scale = 100000
const lat = scale * mapValue(coordinate.latitude, minLatitude, maxLatitude, 0, 1)
const lon = scale * mapValue(coordinate.longitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, 0, 1)
let vectorToPush = new THREE.Vector3(
setPoints(prevVectors => [...prevVectors, vectorToPush]);
With this second method, I get a shape similar to the desired one, but it’s not exact.
Does anyone know how I can correctly convert longitude and latitude into 3D coordinates?
Thanks a lot!