I just discovered the ‘.point’ property of raycasting !!!
So, I do not need quads…
Now I will try to find how to not use trigonometry to convert x y and z to latitude and longitude.
Thank You very much for the attention!
PS1: My first thought was to use RFIDs, but I found it too expensive!
PS2: Maybe I need an Educator for the next step!
PS3: Please see the link: https://jrlazz.eu5.org/anim/Boytchev_08122023.html
Please observe the differences between latitudes in p and in pp.
pp is done with
let pp=Earth.worldToLocal(pdinho);
referred to @Mugen87Get ThreeJS coordinates of mesh intersection directly below mouse click - #3 by Welch_Synthetik
Of course I had to do some adjusts in the equations to calculate trigonometric functions.
PS4: IMPORTANT… made corrections in North and South Signs (+ and -) according the errors obsevations made by @PavelBoytchev … and Thanks for that!