The steps you’re describing should work, perhaps unless the object is a THREE.SkinnedMesh. In that case the scale is bound to the skeleton. If it’s not a SkinnedMesh, and still not working, it might be helpful to see a demo or the model.
I haven’t made it into a skinned mesh - just using the gltf loader and throwing the loaded gltf.scene into a map of THREE.Object3D to later put in the scene.
When I load the gltf, I’m traversing the children in order to cast/receive shadows.
There, I find a match by name on the child and set the scale, which works.
I then put a ref to that child mesh into my map of loaded object3ds
Later, when I get that from the map and change the scale - nothing affects it
gltfLoader.load(sceneUrl, (gltf) => {
// Traverse the gltf scene
gltf.scene.traverse((child) => {
const node = child as THREE.Mesh;
if (node.isMesh) {
// Shadows
node.castShadow = true;
node.receiveShadow = true;
if ( === "SM_Prop_Candle_Flame_01") {
this.models.set("sconce-left-flame", node);
node.scale.y = 20; // <-- This works
const sconceLeftFlame =
if (sconceLeftFlame) {
sconceLeftFlame.scale.y = 1;
// This reads '1' for scale.y, but it still appears stretched in the scene
console.log("flame", sconceLeftFlame.scale);
I feel like I’m missing something obvious here. I could just import the items I want to scale individually, but I’d rather not do that since it’s a lot of extra work for the number of items I’ll need to interact with.
None, and to be certain I made sure to untick all the animation/skinning options when exporting from blender.
It’s totally weird - esp that I can scale when traversing but not later.
This may or may not be useful, but I noticed that when scaling on the y, it actually appears to scale on the x axis in three. This might be a side effect of coming from blender where z is up though.