Can I use HalfEdge class in ConvexHull.js?

Hi !
I found HalfEdge class but it doesn’t export.
That means… using this class is forbidden…?
I want to study HalfEdge and practice with this Class.
But if exporting that Class is forbidden, i don’t use that.
I just want to know if I can use it or not.
Thank you.

The class HalfEdge is not exported since it is intended as a pure helper for ConvexHull. HalfEdge is not used anywhere else in the library.

Since the class is small, I suggest you copy it into your application. If more logic in three.js is going to use HalfEdge in the future, I’m sure the class will be placed in a separate module.

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I really appriciate to your helping… always!
thank you !!