Camera rotate problem

Hello, I have a problem with rotating the camera.
I want the camera to rotate on the left 90° slowly when I press the left key one time.

When i press left key, the camera rotate 90° on the left but it’s instantly, i want the camera to rotate 90° slowly.
if (moveLeft) {
camera.rotation.y += (Math.PI / 2);

After, I put a parameter for time (delta) trying to resolve the problem, but when i press the key one time it rotate slowly but not 90° (very lower):

function animate() {
var delta = clock.getDelta();

function animatePlayer(delta) {
if (moveLeft) {
camera.rotation.y += (Math.PI / 2)*delta;

Any idea? Thanks

On the right track. If you want the animation to take a specific amount of time I would suggest the following:

var start = 0;
var goal = 0;
var timer = 0;

function animate() {
	var delta = clock.getDelta();

function animatePlayer(delta) {
	if (timer < 1.0) {
		timer += delta; // Increase the timer value
		//Use interpolation to move from the start towards the goal, by 'timer' percentage;
		camera.rotation.y = THREE.Math.lerp(start, goal, timer); 

// Can set this however you want, but the idea is to store the start, goal and reset the timer.
window.addEventListener('keydown', function(key){
	timer = 0;
	start = camera.rotation.y;
	goal = start + Math.PI/2;

This method doesn’t scale well, so will need to add more states for if you wanted to rotate right/up/down etc. A way of doing this is creating a state machine structure, where you store the state (‘rotatingRight’/‘rotatingLeft’) and use a function to set the states. A state can only be set to ‘rotate’ if it is currently at ‘idle’, and goes to ‘idle’ once animation is complete. Further reading

Yeah, It works for the left key, nice, thanks :slight_smile:

It doesn’t work for now for the right key but i will search thx:)