A related feature in this context is serialization/deserialization of SkinnedMeshs. I’ve tried once to implement this feature however we did not make it to finish the respective PR.
In any event, it should be feasible to add this feature to the library (and the editor). This would ensure that you can actually save and reload a scene with SkinnedMesh.
OK ))), then there’s nothing for the editor, I’ll later create a new topic where I will show the library bugs and some flaws, although to be honest some of them have already been fixed.
However, some problems were fixed, and which appeared, I have not fully tested version 117 yet, but after taking version 113 or 114, I had problems in - Frustum
GLTFLoader.js:678 Uncaught Error: THREE.GLTFLoader: No DRACOLoader instance provided.
at new GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension (GLTFLoader.js:678)
at GLTFLoader.parse (GLTFLoader.js:302)
at Loader.js:668
at d.filter (jszip.module.min.js:12)
at handleZIP (Loader.js:618)
at FileReader. (Loader.js:515)
As they say in the dispute, the truth is born.))) But unfortunately I’m right, but it works if the file is not archived directly. And I’m transferring a zip archive about this moment is not taken into account. Please fix this problem.