Basic 2d draw and extrude application using threejs

Created a basic CAD application using threejs. I plan to build on top of it.
Next step is to add measurement module.

Any other feedback on implementation or how I can optimize the code?
Demo: Improved CAD-like Drawing App
GitHub - rajgandhi1/CAD_application_threejs

“CAD” is a very(!) ambitous name given the current project state.

The minimum number of things I’d expect from even the most “basic” CAD applications include (but are not limited to):

  • numerical input of coordinate values
  • Edit functionality for endpoints and/or elements
  • Snap functionality for precise joints
  • Scale, Translate and Rotate functionality
  • Mirroring of elements
  • Circles, Arcs, Chamfer/Fillet functionality
  • Extend/Trim functionality
  • a working(!) PAN functionality

pan, move, translate and rotate work in the 3d view once you extrude the 2d shape