Are there any up to date WebGPU 169 examples?

I’m trying to get into using WebGPU, but the documentation is practically nonexistent. I tried to look at the examples but they seem to be out of date for the version? Looking at a standard compute shader pattern that I see a lot:

const computeUpdate = Fn(() => {
    const position = positionBuffer.element(instanceIndex);
    const velocity = velocityBuffer.element(instanceIndex);

    velocity.addAssign(vec3(0.0, gravity, 0.0));


    // floor

    If(position.y.lessThan(0), () => {
      position.y = 0;
      velocity.y = velocity.y.negate().mul(bounce);

      // floor friction

      velocity.x = velocity.x.mul(0.9);
      velocity.z = velocity.z.mul(0.9);

  computeParticles = computeUpdate().compute(particleCount);

This is very common for the WebGPU examples, but with the current (169) version I get the following errors:

  1. No overload matches this call.
    Overload 1 of 3, ‘(jsFunc: () => Node): () => Node’, gave the following error.
    Argument of type ‘() => void’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘() => Node’.

  2. Property ‘compute’ does not exist on type ‘Node’.ts(2339)

And this is just some of the ways that the syntax seems to be different. Is there anywhere I can find up to date resources?

All WebGPU examples at three.js examples support r169. So if you pick the code from one of the compute demos, it should definitely work with the latest release.