Apply cloth with no Skeleton (or Bones) to an Avatar with Mixamo Skeleton

I know it’s an “easy” play when your cloth has already the same skeleton and bones as your rigged avatar! But what to do when your cloths does not have any skinnedmesh, skeleton nor bones - and you want to apply the same fbx animation on the avatar and the cloth?

My approach:

  1. iterate over the bones of the skeleton of the skinnedmesh of the avatar (in my case I have the static list of the hierarchy - it’s the Mixamo standard)

  2. create a basic t-shape pose skeleton with the same structure (Bone names) as the avatars

  3. create a skinnedmesh from the geometry of the cloth

  4. apply the skeleton on to the cloth skinned mesh

  5. ???

  6. Win?! Lose!

Am I dreaming or is this task not feasible at all (which is the same as I would dream)?

import React, { Suspense, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { Canvas, useFrame } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { useGLTF, useFBX, OrbitControls} from "@react-three/drei";
import { GLTF } from "three-stdlib";
import { AnimationMixer, Object3D } from "three";
import * as THREE from "three";

interface ModelProps {
  url: string;
  forwardedRef: React.MutableRefObject<Object3D | undefined>;

const Model: React.FC<ModelProps> = ({ url, forwardedRef }) => {
  const gltf = useGLTF(url) as GLTF;
  console.log("my "+url, gltf.scene)
  return <primitive object={gltf.scene} ref={forwardedRef} />;

function SkinnedTshirt() {
  const { nodes } = useGLTF('/tshirt.glb')
  // define the skeleton structure based on the log
  const skeletonStructure = [
    {name: 'RootNode', parent: null, position: [0, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'Hips', parent: 'RootNode', position: [0, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'Spine', parent: 'Hips', position: [0, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'Spine1', parent: 'Spine', position: [0, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'Spine2', parent: 'Spine1', position: [0, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'Neck', parent: 'Spine2', position: [0, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'Head', parent: 'Neck', position: [0, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'HeadTop_End', parent: 'Head', position: [0, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftShoulder', parent: 'Spine2', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftArm', parent: 'LeftShoulder', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftForeArm', parent: 'LeftArm', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHand', parent: 'LeftForeArm', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightShoulder', parent: 'Spine2', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightArm', parent: 'RightShoulder', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightForeArm', parent: 'RightArm', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHand', parent: 'RightForeArm', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftUpLeg', parent: 'Hips', position: [-0.5, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftLeg', parent: 'LeftUpLeg', position: [0, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftFoot', parent: 'LeftLeg', position: [0, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftToeBase', parent: 'LeftFoot', position: [0, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftToe_End', parent: 'LeftToeBase', position: [0, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'RightUpLeg', parent: 'Hips', position: [0.5, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'RightLeg', parent: 'RightUpLeg', position: [0, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'RightFoot', parent: 'RightLeg', position: [0, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'RightToeBase', parent: 'RightFoot', position: [0, -1, 0]},
    {name: 'RightToe_End', parent: 'RightToeBase', position: [0, -1, 0]},

    {name: 'LeftHandThumb1', parent: 'LeftHand', position: [-2, -0.5, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandThumb2', parent: 'LeftHandThumb1', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandThumb3', parent: 'LeftHandThumb2', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandThumb4', parent: 'LeftHandThumb3', position: [-1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'LeftHandIndex1', parent: 'LeftHand', position: [-2, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandIndex2', parent: 'LeftHandIndex1', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandIndex3', parent: 'LeftHandIndex2', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandIndex4', parent: 'LeftHandIndex3', position: [-1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'LeftHandMiddle1', parent: 'LeftHand', position: [-2, 0.5, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandMiddle2', parent: 'LeftHandMiddle1', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandMiddle3', parent: 'LeftHandMiddle2', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandMiddle4', parent: 'LeftHandMiddle3', position: [-1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'LeftHandRing1', parent: 'LeftHand', position: [-2, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandRing2', parent: 'LeftHandRing1', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandRing3', parent: 'LeftHandRing2', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandRing4', parent: 'LeftHandRing3', position: [-1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'LeftHandPinky1', parent: 'LeftHand', position: [-2, 1.5, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandPinky2', parent: 'LeftHandPinky1', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandPinky3', parent: 'LeftHandPinky2', position: [-1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'LeftHandPinky4', parent: 'LeftHandPinky3', position: [-1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'RightHandThumb1', parent: 'RightHand', position: [2, -0.5, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandThumb2', parent: 'RightHandThumb1', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandThumb3', parent: 'RightHandThumb2', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandThumb4', parent: 'RightHandThumb3', position: [1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'RightHandIndex1', parent: 'RightHand', position: [2, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandIndex2', parent: 'RightHandIndex1', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandIndex3', parent: 'RightHandIndex2', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandIndex4', parent: 'RightHandIndex3', position: [1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'RightHandMiddle1', parent: 'RightHand', position: [2, 0.5, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandMiddle2', parent: 'RightHandMiddle1', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandMiddle3', parent: 'RightHandMiddle2', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandMiddle4', parent: 'RightHandMiddle3', position: [1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'RightHandRing1', parent: 'RightHand', position: [2, 1, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandRing2', parent: 'RightHandRing1', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandRing3', parent: 'RightHandRing2', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandRing4', parent: 'RightHandRing3', position: [1, 0, 0]},

    {name: 'RightHandPinky1', parent: 'RightHand', position: [2, 1.5, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandPinky2', parent: 'RightHandPinky1', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandPinky3', parent: 'RightHandPinky2', position: [1, 0, 0]},
    {name: 'RightHandPinky4', parent: 'RightHandPinky3', position: [1, 0, 0]},

  // create a bone for each bone in the structure
  const bones = {};
  skeletonStructure.forEach(({name, position}) => {
    const bone = new THREE.Bone();
    bones[name] = bone;
    bones[name].name = name;

  // set up the hierarchy of the bones
  skeletonStructure.forEach(({name, parent}) => {
    if (parent) {

  // create the skeleton
  const skeleton = new THREE.Skeleton(Object.values(bones));
  console.log("Shirt SKLETON", bones)
  // clone the geometry of the t-shirt and create a skinned mesh
  const tshirtGeometry = nodes.Cube.geometry.clone();
  const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ skinning: true });
  const tshirt = new THREE.SkinnedMesh(tshirtGeometry, material);
  // bind the skeleton to the tshirt
  const rootBone = bones['Armature'];

  // load the animation and apply it to the skinned mesh
  const { animations } = useFBX('/animation.fbx'); // adjust this path to your animation
  const mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(tshirt);
  const action = mixer.clipAction(animations[0]);;
  console.log("my SHirt", tshirt)
  return <primitive object={tshirt} />;

const Scene: React.FC = () => {
  const avatarRef = useRef < Object3D > ();
  const tshirtRef = useRef < Object3D > ();
  const walkAnimation = useFBX("/animation.fbx");
  let mixer: AnimationMixer;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (avatarRef.current && tshirtRef.current) {
      // Parent the t-shirt to the avatar
  }, [avatarRef.current, tshirtRef.current]);

  useFrame((state, delta) => {
    if (mixer) mixer.update(delta);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (avatarRef.current && walkAnimation.animations[0]) {
      mixer = new AnimationMixer(avatarRef.current);
      const action = mixer.clipAction(walkAnimation.animations[0]);;
  }, [avatarRef, walkAnimation]);

  return (
      <Model url="/avatar.glb" forwardedRef={avatarRef} />
      {/* <Model url="/tshirt.glb" forwardedRef={tshirtRef} /> */}

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <Suspense fallback={null}>
        <Scene />

export default App;

Or is it that I could skipp all this and somehow just copy the skeleton from Avatars skinnedmesh into newly created skinnedmesh from the cloth?!

public replaceSkeleton( originalMesh: THREE.SkinnedMesh, newMesh: THREE.SkinnedMesh ): void {
    newMesh.skeleton = originalMesh.skeleton.clone();
    newMesh.bind( newMesh.skeleton );

If Mixamo can do it - it should be possible. No one ever tried this? (Beside Mixamo)

instead of this, I think you’ll have to use SkeletonUtils.clone instead…