Ammo js/enable3d js: Physics body not updating with changes in bone rotation of mesh?

original post:

I have a rigged mesh loaded via:

    var hand
    const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader().load('./hand.glb', function (gltf) {
        const Object3D = gltf.scene.children[0]

        hand = {
            Object3D: Object3D,
            skinned_mesh: Object3D.children[1],
            skeleton: Object3D.children[1].skeleton,
            position: Object3D.position,
            rotation: Object3D.rotation,
            quaternion: Object3D.quaternion,

        const bones = hand.skeleton.bones;
        hand.forearm = bones[0];
        hand.wrist = bones[1];
        hand.palm = bones[2];
        hand.thumb = bones.slice(3, 7);
        hand.index = bones.slice(7, 11);
        hand.middle = bones.slice(11, 15);
        hand.ring = bones.slice(15, 19);
        hand.pinky = bones.slice(19, 23);

        hand.Object3D.traverse(child => {
            if (child.isMesh) {
                child.castShadow = child.receiveShadow = false
                child.material.metalness = 0
                child.material.roughness = 1
        scene.add(new THREE.SkeletonHelper(hand.Object3D))
        physics.add.existing(hand.Object3D, { shape: 'convex', collisionFlags: 2 })

it loads as expected into the scene:


However, when I try to rotate an individual bone on the mesh, the mesh and bones rotate as expected, but the physics body does not remain in sync:

hand.palm.rotation.y += Math.PI / 2


Is there a way to achieve this?

The documentation says for Kinematic bodies, you need to set needUpdate to true when changing rotation or position. I tried setting that after any rotations or transformations via hand.Object3D.body.needUpdate = true and this does not seem to fix it either.

I also tried adding Object3D to an new ExtendedObject3D() as in the headless GLTF example to see if this would make a difference via

Object3D = new ExtendedObject3D() Object3D.add(gltf.scene.children[0])

This does not work and also did not seem necessary anyways because once hand.Object3D is added to physics, it appears it is automatically converted to an ExtendedObject3D.

I’m not sure what else to try besides removing the physics body and then trying to re-add it frame by frame after any transformations? However, this seems horribly inefficient, there must be an already defined approach for doing this that I’m missing.

If you see in the original discussion, one of the maintainers of enable3d (which uses Ammo js as the backbone of the library) implies this is more of an Ammo js issue than a three js or enable3d js issue. He is also looking for a way to make this work.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work as expected?

There are 2 solutions to this problem.

  1. Adding a softBody to the mesh and use the bones to deform the softBody.
  2. Adding primitive kinematic bodies to each bone.

Both examples will soon be available on

bro where is this example code kindly share with us your good knowledge

Actually this is still in the softbody-hand branch. I have never merged it to master.

kindly share this texting code branch

Please share this I am interesting in seeing this code how can you do this

Like he said, it’s in the softbody-hand branch:

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where it is example code in this branch kindly send me link

Somewhere here:

I will try to merge this brach into master and put the examples on
(But this will take some time)

thank you soo much can you please tell me if i can embed physics in our glb models can i perform transform control on skeleton and also use drag and drop in our models , and also prevent collision glb models body parts , if you have any related this type of program please share with us
Highly appreciated

please see this if i am rotating our glb models body our physics body didn’t rotate can you please guide how can i do this , i want to upload multiple glb models and using transform controls and drag controls also using three.js i didn’t want to collided each other body parts when i am using both controls can you please guide me how can i do this , (i want to make solid body not body parts going to inside)

Please see the examples of what is possible at the moment:

For bugs, please report them as a github issue.

For questions, please use the github discussions.

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in which i didn’t find any skeleton related example or not seeing transform control and drag controls

I have not publish a skeleton based example, but a child mesh example:
Hitbox Example

I have never used transform control before.

Jenga Examle

can you pleaseeeeee add skeleton based example in glb models using transform controls, please
this help is highly appreciated!

and also please use transform control in glb models with three.js

It’s in the todo list

Thank you i am waiting to resolved this issues
your feedbacks it’s highly appriciated

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Hey, i have one question when I load glb model without skeleton, our physics (convex) body creates properly when i add skeleton in glb models and again, loading, our physics body mesh is not created.

you see difference without bones kindly guide me what is the problem
your feedback is highly appreciated!!