Headless mode (runs ammo.js on your node.js server)
Add physics to all meshes
Compound Shapes (automatic or manually)
Supports Capsule, Hull, HACD, Convex/Concave Mesh and Heightfield
Collision Callbacks
Dynamic, Static, Kinematic and Ghost Bodies
CCD Motion Clamping
Simple objects Factory
Here are some examples on how to use enable3d as a physics plugin for three.js.
There are a lot of examples that don’t directly use three.js, but you can do all the things (related to physics) shown in the other examples as well.
You should find all you need in the documentation I wrote.
In the latest version (0.0.16), I added a headless mode. It allows you to use ammo.js on the server (node.js) without the need of packages like electron, puppeteer or jsdom. Only pure node.js.
It is also easily possible to load gltf (.glb) models and add whatever shape you want, like Hull, HACD or your custom compound shape.
You can, of course, also include three and create your meshes as you are used to:
// ...
const THREE = require('three')
// ...
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry()
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 })
const box = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
box.name = 'box' // give it a name
box.position.set(0, 5, 0) // set y to 5
this.physics.add.existing(box) // add physics to the box
// and then push it to the objects array
I took a dive into this, and had a question about whether it was possible to have enable3D physic bodies interact with the physic bodies created natively with Ammo?
When preserving the original Ammo physic updating function, and adding the update function for enable3D, both bodies will react accordingly to gravity, but they will not interact with each other.
Could you confirm if that was intended?
Would also be watching closely for height map support! Thanks for all of your efforts with this project.
Enable3d is only a wrapper. Normally, everything should work.
It can be that there are some bugs. Maybe the objects created by enable3d have some additional properties. Please share your project and open a new issue and I will look at it and fix it.
Do you need hightmap support? I can add it. Is there already an open issue for that?
Per native ammo + enable3D, I have provided a demonstration where your suzanne model will fall through the native ammo ground plane. I didn’t see any examples of this use case so I demonstrated using the public ThreeJS example for ammo.
I’ve marked all four revisions with comments, allowing you to CTRL + F for the differences. Demo URL Demo (ZIP)
Regarding height maps, the enable3D website cites that they are coming soon.
I could not find any examples on the matter.
While Ammo can handle heightmaps, the lack of debugging capabilities adds undue difficulty. Since the only other debugger that I could find does not appear to work, and yours does: having support for heightmaps may be helpful on a number of fronts. Appreciating the consideration!
Do you use an ultra-low or ultra-high resolution? It works fine on all my machines.
Actually: I personally use a fingertip grip and my wrist is always on the mouse pad. This means I always only move the mouse only a few millimeters. So high sensitivity for me is normal.
See the demonstraton
But maybe I should reduce the default sensitivity for the first- and thirdPersonControls?
Odd about your inability to access. I have attached an alternative download link using dropbox, if you find time to check into native ammo + enable3D collisions. Thanks again!
Just wanted to chime in and mention that I have the same sensitivity issues as looeee, with the front page demo.