Ammo.js - basketball game, make a shot successfully - AKA motion trajectory

Hi, I’m really having trouble figuring out how to throw a ball to a point (hoop). I’ve read a ton on motion trajectory, but not figuring it out. I attempted to convert a C# Unity script that supposedly does what I need, but it’s not working for me, perhaps i didn’t convert it correctly. The function should recieve the ball and rim’s positions, and angle, and return force vector (velocity?). Then I will apply it to the ball to make a perfect shot:

getBallVelocity = function( ballPos, rimPos, angleDegrees, gravity ){
          const Vector3 = {
            forward: new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ),
            up: new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 )
          // Get angle in radians, from angleDegrees argument
          const angle = THREE.Math.degToRad( angleDegrees );
          gravity = gravity || 9.81;
          // Positions of this object and the target on the same plane
          const planarRimPos  = new THREE.Vector3( rimPos.x, 0, rimPos.z ),
                planarBallPos = new THREE.Vector3( ballPos.x, 0, ballPos.z );
          // Planar distance between objects
          const distance = planarRimPos.distanceTo( planarBallPos );
          // Distance along the y axis between objects
          const yOffset = rimPos.y - ballPos.y;
          // Calculate velocity 
          const initialVelocity = ( 1 / Math.cos( angle ) ) * Math.sqrt( ( 0.5 * gravity * Math.pow( distance, 2 ) ) / ( distance * Math.tan( angle ) + yOffset ) ),
                velocity = new THREE.Quaternion( 0, initialVelocity * Math.sin( angle ), initialVelocity * Math.cos( angle ) );
          // Rotate our velocity to match the direction between the two objects
          const planarPosDifferenceBetweenObjects = planarRimPos.sub( planarBallPos ),
                angleBetweenObjects = Vector3.forward.angleTo( planarPosDifferenceBetweenObjects ),
                angleUpRotated = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle( Vector3.up, angleBetweenObjects ),
                finalVelocity = angleUpRotated.multiply( velocity );
          return finalVelocity;

The code I converted from is here:

Also, doesn’t need mass?

Please help, I’m running out of time, and if someone wants me to hire them to solve this, I’m willing to pay. Just contact me.

NOTE: I’ve also posted this question on stack overflow:



Solved it!

OK, three things:

  1. The rotation of the velocity wasn’t working. Used atan2 instead.
  2. I needed to switch the subtracting Y axes points getting the yOffset
  3. I needed to use .setVelocity(x, y, z) instead of .applyForce(x, y, z)

Here is the final script, hope it helps someone!

static getBallVelocity( ballPos, rimPos, angleDegrees, gravity ){
  // Get angle in radians, from angleDegrees argument
  const angle = THREE.Math.degToRad( angleDegrees );
  gravity = gravity || 9.81;
  // Positions of this object and the target on the same plane
  const planarRimPos  = new THREE.Vector3( rimPos.x, 0, rimPos.z ),
        planarBallPos = new THREE.Vector3( ballPos.x, 0, ballPos.z );
  // Planar distance between objects
  const distance = planarRimPos.distanceTo( planarBallPos );
  // Distance along the y axis between objects
  const yOffset = ballPos.y - rimPos.y;
  // Calculate velocity
  const initialVelocity = ( 1 / Math.cos( angle ) ) * Math.sqrt( ( 0.5 * gravity * Math.pow( distance, 2 ) ) / ( distance * Math.tan( angle ) + yOffset ) ),
        velocity = new THREE.Vector3( 0, initialVelocity * Math.sin( angle ), initialVelocity * Math.cos( angle ) );
  // Rotate our velocity to match the direction between the two objects
  const dy = planarRimPos.x - planarBallPos.x,
        dx = planarRimPos.z - planarBallPos.z,
        theta = Math.atan2( dy, dx ),
        finalVelocity = velocity.applyAxisAngle( PopAShotAR.Vector3.up, theta )
  return finalVelocity;
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