Adding Emission to the whole model (in order to display it without adding lighting to the scene)


I’m new to the three.js scene and I’ve been struggling to make my model render without adding a lighting to the scene. The reason for me not adding lighting is due to my current coding which does not render the image even if lighting is added to the scene. However, I came across emission which is bringing me closer to the desired affect. I have a model of the shoe, however when i increase the emission of the shoe model, it only applies to the laces. Is there any way I can get the emission to apply to the whole shoe without losing it’s original material/colours?


Did you try using MeshBasicMaterial? I’d give that a try to see if it suits your needs before using the emissive channel of MSM.

Hi @AURLab
Please send Your shoe mesh to make some tests.

Hi, I’ve fixed the issue now. The problem was that this shoe model was made up of multiple materials (for each part of the shoe) and I was only editing the emission of one of those materials. I was able to edit each material and now the whole model has the same emission. Now i’m working on maintaining details/textures in threejs for these models.

I know this can be done in the main.js, but is there anyway I can change the material of my model from within blender?

Hi @AURLab

May be finding the meshes of the model and changing the materials?

I made an example because I always had difficulty finding all the childs meshes… I think this link helped me to understand the way…

And with no lights:

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Hi, thanks for the reply for jrlazz. What would you say is the main difference between the two models you sent, and how it’s effecting the lighting?

Hi @AURLab

Both pages have the same principle: to find child meshes and transform their materials.

The second page has no lights “in the scene” and a loop in the animate function, to change the emissive color and its emissiveIntensity continuously.