I achieved this kind of shader on my model in blender using mix shader and emission. But unfortunately we cannot export the shader node info to fbx/gltf or any other file format. How do I achieve similar effect in Threejs. Is this possible only using a custom shader? If so can I have some similar example. I don’t know shader programming using GLSL.
Here sheen: three.js webgl - GLTFloader + Sheen
Tried it, but couldn’t achieve that glowy effect on the edges.
there’s also the possibility of using matcaps in this scenario…
(forked from @PavelBoytchev’s example above replacing MeshPhysicalMaterial
with MeshMatcapMaterial
you can see the matcap example for more details…
Thanks guys, you people are amazing. Can anyone tell me how to figure out differences between shaders and lighting or post processing. How would I know which one will give me the required results? Which one to be used and when?
I have no answer to this. Some people call it experience, other call it coincidence. For example, the exact lighting in my demo code was a result of some trials and errors, and this approach is often unpredictable.
Hmm I see… Thankyou @PavelBoytchev