Hello, I have created a Bullet hell game using three.js that was heavily inspired by Nier: automata’s 9s hacking mini game. Have fun there are 5 weapons to unlock, and 10 types of enemies to encounter with 5 boss battles.
Nice and funny
But, IMHO, the mouse cursor needs to be more noticeable. At least, I see just the standard arrow pointer.
Pretty fun!
I did run into some problems though:
Aim seems to only update on mousemove event, so when i move with LMB pressed, but dont move my mouse, the aim starts going off in a wrong direction
how can i set up PerspectiveCamera llike you with drei
<PerspectiveCamera near={0.5} far={1000} position={[100, 200, 599]} rotation={[]} fov={120} makeDefault />
ca you provide to me
This is awesome game frame work