3D Planner development

I am looking to build a 3D designer for room/office/outdoor from my own 3D models.

We discuss details.

Let me know if you can do that for a reasonable price.


This should have been posted in the Jobs section.

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Your project is almost identical to my latest project.
Please check this URL and contact us at this address.


Dear Tom,

I am excited to offer my services to develop a 3D designer application for rooms, offices, and outdoor environments using your existing 3D models. My expertise in 3D design and development ensures a high-quality, user-friendly application tailored to your needs.

Services Offered

  1. Consultation:
  • Discuss and refine project details.
  1. 3D Model Integration:
  • Integrate and optimize your 3D models.
  1. UI Design:
  • Design an intuitive, user-friendly interface.
  1. Development:
  • Build the application using industry-standard tools.
  1. Testing:
  • Ensure functionality and performance through rigorous testing.
  1. Deployment and Support:
  • Deploy the application and provide ongoing support.

Timeline and Pricing

  • Total Timeline: 10 weeks
  • Total Cost: $500-$9,500


I am confident in delivering a top-notch 3D designer application that meets your expectations. I look forward to discussing this project further.

Best regards,

example of this kind of work

Samuel Emmanuel
portfolio: https://emmanuelsamuelportfolio.netlify.app/

Hi Tom, I am interested in your project.

For more details, let’s discuss via DM.

Best regards

I have checked.
You mean you would like to build 3D design system base on your own 3D model?
If so, I am the right one for your project.
I have built museum design system before and I can perform your task for $2000.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Regards & Thanks

Hello, sir.
I am very interested in your project.
I 'd like to discuss more detail.
Thank you.

I have build similar configurators before. Here are the links:

  1. Floor Configurator: x.com
  2. Other configurators: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCwabGV06Oo&list=PLjAFVtsX5pb-Ou-vYl4jqefP5e_qmsqBV

Connect with me at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amit-digga/

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