Hello I’m having abit of trouble with color on my model. the first image shows the model to have bright red while the other is more dull/whiter.
The bright red is from 8thwall editor preview link while the dull is self-hosted. Not sure why there is a difference though. I’m using a mix of Aframe and ThreeJS.I have this in < a-scene >:
I want to lerp the color from middle color to final color and this option is what I’ve found and does work as intended in both 8thwall and self-hosted, just that the color is dull in self-hosted. Is this not the correct way to use .lerp from color A to color B in material setting?
What is renderer.toneMapping? If it’s just NoToneMapping (default) then I think exposure would have no effect… If it’s something else, that’s important to know and would affect colors.
If you don’t use HDR in your scene, do not touch tone mapping properties.
I think I would loosen this statement a bit, if you are using lights in the scene then tone mapping is appropriate. For unlit materials and baked lights, you generally do not want tone mapping.
Are you able to share this GLB, or a demo to reproduce the issue?