I have a texture jpg for my model child…when I use it on my child it seems darker as you see on attachments. I am using;
renderer.toneMapping = THREE.CineonToneMapping;
renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap;
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.GammaEncoding;
and this code for material;
child.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
color: modelColor,
map: comingTexture,
reflectivity: modelReflectivity,
for my renderer…what is the problem about my models seems darker?
Am not sure. Can you try removing the tone mapping for the renderer. I have faced similar issues in the past where the texture color doesn’t seem to render correctly. I removed the renderer tone mapping and got fixed.
Not sure if this helps
I suggest you do this:
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
And when you load your diffuse texture (the texture that you assign to map
) configure it like so:
comingTexture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
You also want to configure the environment map with this encoding. You then have a proper sRGB workflow.
BTW: Tone mapping is only required if you are using a HDR environment map. Since this seems not the case in your app, remove the line like suggested by @Nimil_George.
thank you Mugen87…if I use MeshBasicMaterial I can see texture with map option…but if I use MeshPhongMaterial I cannot see my texture as original in jpg file…which material you recommend?
Try to add some lights to your scene. For example an ambient and directional light.
I set;
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
for texture : texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
and I have 6 DirectionalLight s…
DL1 : intensity : 0.5 position : 0,0,20
DL2 : intensity : 0.2 position : 40,10,25
DL3 : intensity : 0.2 position : 20,10,25
DL4 : intensity : 0.2 position : -20,10,25
DL5 : intensity : 0.2 position : -40,10,25
DL6 : intensity : 0.2 position : 0,-30,20
and also made with AmbientLight with intensity:4
you can see screenshots…for both config…
what I am missing and how can I get the right tone…
why DL’s making tone differency?