3D Island Dev Portfolio

Check out my cool 3D Fox Island Portfolio! I used React.js, Tailwind CSS, and Three.js to develop the website. The homepage has a full 3D island, which you can explore by navigating through drag & drop or using keyboard arrow keys to learn about me and my work. There are three other pages:

  • ‘About’ is where you know more about me, my skills, and my work experiences
  • ‘Projects’ to see what I’ve done, including their details and live links
  • And ‘Contact’ where you can email me.

Oh, and there’s also a playful fox that reacts to your actions on the contact form! It works great on any device!

Live Site
Full Video Tutorial
Source Code

Contributors on the project: Emilian Kasemi

does the plane just sit in the center? I thought it might tap to go into the wind like the bird

You can drag it and it moves