yuka Navmesh Error

hi guys im trying to create AI for a three js in browser vehicular combat game
and im getting the following error

YUKA.NavMeshLoader: Unable to load navigation mesh. Error: Not Found

im following this video

and using the npm package he made with yuka js

now ive downloaded his example project n the navmesh works
but in my own project i keep getting this error
YUKA.NavMeshLoader: Unable to load navigation mesh. Error: Not Found

i thought the error maybe due to some vertices intersecting in the terrain model
i edited terrain , tried different things even had a plane modle without any objects n i still get the above error

also i use this website to create navmesh for the 3d model

If you look in the network tab in chrome debugger, do you see any failed file loads?

My first guess is you have the wrong URL to your file…

not really the address to the 3d model is correct

But have you verified that the URL for the model is correct by checking the network tab in chrome and seeing that it both loads properly, and checking what response you’re getting from your server?