Wireframe in complex geometry exported from Blender

I have a complex geometric 3D object I exported from Blender, and need to put it in three.js, but leaving nothing but the wireframe/skeleton, how can I achieve this? I need to be able to change between wireframe and the “normal” look of the object

You could use a function like this:

function setWireframe( object, boolean ) {

	object.traverse( ( child ) => {

		if ( child.isMesh ) {

			if ( ! Array.isArray( child.material ) ) {

				if ( child.material.wireframe !== undefined ) child.material.wireframe = boolean;

			} else child.material.forEach( ( mat ) => {

			    if ( mat.wireframe !== undefined ) mat.wireframe = boolean;

		    } );


	} );


Then you can call it like this to turn wireframe on:

setWireframe( objectLoadedFromBlender, true );

Hey, that is pretty good. Thank you!