Why is my texture not on the model? It moves in space instead of directly on the model. [details and images in post]

I have .glb model loaded with react-three-fiber and a texture (.png logo in this case) loaded with react-three-drei.

The problem is that when I adjust the position property on the Decal, the texture moves in space and not directly on the model. Why? I’m following numerous tutorials and this is how everyone implements loading image/texture on a model.

Below you can see images of the model, the problem, the UV mapping of the model, and my desired solution.

What I want is that the texture (logo) to be on the model and follow the model while positioning/rotating/scaling it. The position/rotation/scaling is dynamic in my app, not fixed on certain points. Next step I want to implement a slider which can move the texture anywhere on the model. But before that I need to fix this issue.

I can’t find any resource for advanced models like this what I’m working with. Only spheres, squares, mugs, simple objects.

What’s the solution here? Any ideas? Thanks in advance everyone. I’m not really good with 3D modelling and I don’t have any prior experience with it.

Part of code here:

<group dispose={null}>
      {Object.entries(materials).map(([key, material]) => {
        const node = Object.entries(nodes).filter(
          (f) => f[1].material?.name === key
        const nodeName = node[0][0];

        return (
            {logo && (
                position={[0, 0, 0]}
                rotation={[0, 0, 0]}

Image of the problem:

Images of the UV mapping of the model:

Image of the solution I’m trying to achieve: