When using the three. js WebGLRenderTarget, there is a problem when the plane is attached to the sphere?

Thank you very much for coming to see this problem. I don’t know much about THREE, but I need to use it

 const RTScene = this.vr.scene;
      this.RTScene = RTScene;
      var renderer = this.vr.renderer;
      var camera = this.vr.camera;
      var materials = []; //创建一个贴图数组
      const video1 = document.getElementById("videos1");
      const texture1 = new THREE.VideoTexture(video1);
      texture1.maxFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
      texture1.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
      var geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(400, 200, 3, 3);
      // const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(30, 32, 32, 0, 6.28, 3.14, 3.14);
      materials = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
        map: texture1,
        side: THREE.DoubleSide,

var bufferGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(geometry);
      this.planegeometry = geometry;
      this.bufferGeometry = bufferGeometry;
      // var material = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials);
      var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(bufferGeometry, materials); //网格模型对象Mesh
      mesh.position.z = 200;
      RTScene.add(mesh); //网格模型添加到场景中
      const RenderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget(1000, 1000, {
        minFilter: THREE.LinearFilter,
        magFilter: THREE.LinearFilter,
      this.RenderTarget = RenderTarget;
      this.vr.RenderTarget = RenderTarget;
      this.vr.RTScene = RTScene;

var scene = this.vr.scene;
      var renderer = this.vr.renderer;
      var camera = this.vr.camera;
      var RenderTarget = this.RenderTarget;
      var obj = this.vr.VRObject.getObjectByName("__mxrealityDefault");

      if (obj) {
        obj.material.map = RenderTarget.texture;
        // obj.material.map = RenderTarget.texture;

It is strange that the texture of the sphere post is blurred and serrated and not as good as I thought. Do I need to make any Settings or method calls


I set the size of the WebGLRenderTarget to the size of the video. The texture is not blurry, but the texture is still part of it.How do I need to wrap the full renderTarget texture around a ball

Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t understand your issue. Consider to demonstrate the problem with a small live example: https://jsfiddle.net/f2Lommf5/

I’m sorry.This is not very easy to write inside the current case, I use the webGLRenderTarget texture.The renderTarget texture is given to a sphere, but it only shows part of it, I want to know whether the projection coordinates or UV coordinates should be handled to make it all stick together

Sorry, your previous posts were deleted since they were not in English.


I don’t know if you can visit this website, it has my current effect, maybe you can see what I need to do

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it