Hello! During my work with three.js, I ran into the texture rendering issue. Whenever I’m using textures loaded from my GLTF model there is some sort of weird texture noise happening (red circles in the picture). But when I overwrite original textures with new materials, the noise disappears (blue circle in the picture). Would anyone be able to help me please? Thank you in advance for any advice!
// Load macOS window model
// Resource URL
`${ THEME_DIR }/assets/models/window.gltf`,
// Called when the resource is loaded
function (gltf) {
// Configure model
gltf.scene.name = 'window';
gltf.scene.position.set(-3.8, 3.2, -1.2);
// Traverse model
gltf.scene.traverse(n => {
if (n.isMesh) {
let material;
// Set material
material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
color: 0xFFFFFF,
roughness: .15,
metalness: .45,
envMap: textureCube
// Convert to SRGB
// Assign
// n.material = material;
// Makes shadow possible
n.castShadow = true;
n.receiveShadow = true;
// Add model to the scene