webgl.app - Delivering satisfying visuals through patterns

Hi there,

I’m building webgl.app, an application that should allow anyone to make a satisfying animation through WebGL (without coding knowledge). It offers a clean and simple user interface with options to adjust the geometry, color palette and patterns. The application is build with a focus on performance.

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The next steps: Pattern value adjustments, more standard patterns, sharing options and a homepage.

History: This project is an ongoing side-project of mine that can be seen as the next iteration of Moonbridge, a similar concept, but rather complex for most people to use.


It is nice, works fast.

I was not able to use the [Presets] option. Maybe not implemented yet?

Thanks! Correct, the presets option is still being created. You will be able to make a snapshot of the current configuration as wel as default presets!

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