VR experiments for cardboard set

Hey! I wanna to create the topic here. Hope I’ll publish something here in the topic in the future also. My set is a cardboard. I without keyboard - reason why oriented to only head rotation control…)

My first experiment is an exploration of space.


You are in the space and by rotating - you’re moving to this direction.
Sometimes good feelings when you move near big planet and see others - beauty as for me.

New experiment with generation of a railroad way. It generates models of road to direction of device, sure I think possible to make something more interesting, sort of proof of concept.:

Source: GitHub - bazylevnik0/crazytrain

Play: Crazy Train

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Prototype of the Space Invader genre. Hell Invaders - tryed to upload assets, with music and sounds, really cool as for me.



I really love these games and want to create one of my own, but on my phone, it says that webxr is not available. Do these games still work for you?

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Yes! WebXR with three.js is working even in my old device.
Did you try different browsers?

Maybe you can check the Cardboard app before trying three.js apps

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Heh you are right! Not working now on github, so sad. I tried when wrote it in localhost and in gh, was ok. Now i m testing it in localhost - all is ok.
Thx, I am going to reupload it for global web. <3

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UPDATED: in firefox is not working even with https - but in chrome is OK