Videotexture can't show the video on ios. but laptop works

Hey everyone,

I am trying to embbed the video to the planeGeometry via videoTexture. the original settings like below:

 const vid = document.createElement("video");
  vid.src = "data/test.mp4";
  vid.currentTime = 0.1;
  vid.crossOrigin = "Anonymous";
  vid.playsInline = false;
  vid.muted = true; 
  vid.setAttribute("webkit-playsinline", "webkit-playsinline");
  vid.setAttribute("playsinline", "playsinline");

And I use react-three-fiber to render

<planeGeometry attach="geometry" args={[2, 1, 10]} />
    <videoTexture attach="map" args={[video]} />

It works when I open the website on laptop and android phone.
But the ios CAN’T.

Can anyone can help? thanks !

Can you please verify if the following example runs on your iOS device?

Thanks for replying. Yes, this example can work on my ios device.

Strange. Do you mind sharing your entire code as a live example (codesandbox, fiddle etc.)?