Vertical scroll difference between android and iOS mobile


I have a three.js landing page on my website and am experiencing a stange difference between Android and iOS mobile. After the animation completes you swipe right or left. Once in that screen you are supposed to be able to scroll vertically up or down. On Android and desktop it works perfect. On iOS mobile it will not scroll down, if you try the page simply refreshes. Scrolling up works, and then somehow that event triggers scrolling down to then work. Any suggestions as to where I should look would be appreciated. Thanks!


overscroll-behavior may be what you’re looking for?

overscroll-behavior-x: none;
overscroll-behavior-y: none;


Thank you for the suggestion. I have implemented as you advised and am still having the same issue. Android works fine but on ios mobile an initial scroll down refreshes the page rather than scrolls as intended. Strangely, an initial scroll up works fine as intended.