Hello all, I am trying to use some of the external rendering functionalities in raw WebGL, together with Three.js. For example, I want to draw a complex scene as the background using raw WebGL, and draw some dynamic models with animation using Three.js.
However, I have encountered some issues. I have created a basic renderer class that uses WebGL to draw a triangle as the background, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work well when combined with a simple scene in Three.js.
I have created an online code snippet here. You may comment some of the usages in animation()
to see the triangle rendering alone.
import * as THREE from 'three';
// init Three.js scene
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.01, 10 );
camera.position.z = 1;
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 );
const material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
scene.add( mesh );
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
renderer.setAnimationLoop( animation );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
// init native webgl view
class TriangleRenderer {
constructor(gl) {
this.gl = gl;
this.program = null;
this.positionBuffer = null;
this.indexBuffer = null;
initialize() {
const gl = this.gl;
const vertexShaderSource = `
attribute vec2 position;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
const fragmentShaderSource = `
precision mediump float;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const vertexShader = this.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShaderSource);
const fragmentShader = this.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShaderSource);
this.program = this.createProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader);
const positions = [
0.0, 0.5,
-0.5, -0.5,
0.5, -0.5
this.positionBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.positionBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(positions), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
const positionAttributeLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(this.program, 'position');
gl.vertexAttribPointer(positionAttributeLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
const indices = [0, 1, 2];
this.indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(indices), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
render() {
const gl = this.gl;
/// get the current rendering status
const currentVao = gl.getParameter(gl.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING);
const currentProgram = gl.getParameter(gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM);
const currentArrayBuffer = gl.getParameter(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
const currentElementArrayBuffer = gl.getParameter(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
gl.clearColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.positionBuffer);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.indexBuffer);
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, 3, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
// reset to original status
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, currentArrayBuffer);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, currentElementArrayBuffer);
createShader(type, source) {
const gl = this.gl;
const shader = gl.createShader(type);
gl.shaderSource(shader, source);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
console.error('Shader compilation error:', gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader));
return null;
return shader;
createProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader) {
const gl = this.gl;
const program = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader);
gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader);
if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
console.error('Program linking error:', gl.getProgramInfoLog(program));
return null;
return program;
const nativeRenderer = new TriangleRenderer(renderer.getContext());
// render loop
function animation( time ) {
mesh.rotation.x = time / 2000;
mesh.rotation.y = time / 1000;
renderer.autoClear = false;
renderer.render( scene, camera );
The renderer works fine on its own, but when used with the Three.js renderer, the triangle flashes at the beginning and then doesn’t get rendered at all.
One solution I have thought of is to save the current binding buffers before rendering and restore them afterward (see TriangleRenderer.render()
/// get the current rendering status
const currentVao = gl.getParameter(gl.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING);
const currentProgram = gl.getParameter(gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM);
const currentArrayBuffer = gl.getParameter(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
const currentElementArrayBuffer = gl.getParameter(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
// ... drawElements ...
// restore
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, currentArrayBuffer);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, currentElementArrayBuffer);
Unfortunately, it seems that this alone is not enough to resolve the issue.
Could anyone provide some suggestions or guidance on this? Many thanks!