Use Animation Clip to Move the End-point of a Line


Is it possible to use an animation clip to move the end-point of a line?

I create a line:

	let points = [];
	points.push( new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) );
	points.push( new THREE.Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) );
	const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( points );
	const line = new THREE.Line( geometry, material );
	scene.add( line );

then later in code, I add a KeyFrame to an existing animation clip:

	let times = [ 0, 2 ];
	let values = [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
	let name = line.uuid + '.geometry.attributes.position.array[3]';
	const moveKF = new VectorKeyframeTrack(name, times, values);

But when I play the animation, the ‘bind’ code uses the scene group in place of the Line (via uuid) and fails to resolve the ‘property’ properly.

Is there a proper way to do this?


Try it with morph targets instead. Meaning you create a morph attribute of your final line state and then use the animation system to animate between the base and morphed geometry.

Mugen87 thank you for the lead (and necessary keyword) to find it.

My now working code looks like this…

I create a line:

	let begPos = [];
	begPos[0] = 0; // beginning point-0-x
	begPos[1] = 0; // beginning point-0-y
	begPos[2] = 0; // beginning point-0-z
	begPos[3] = .5; // beginning point-1-x
	begPos[4] = .5; // beginning point-1-y
	begPos[5] = .5; // beginning point-1-z
	let begAttr = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( begPos, 3 );
	const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
	geometry.setAttribute( 'position', begAttr, 3 );
	let endPos = [];
	endPos[0] = 0; // beginning point-0-x
	endPos[1] = 0; // beginning point-0-y
	endPos[2] = 0; // beginning point-0-z
	endPos[3] = 1; // beginning point-1-x
	endPos[4] = 1; // beginning point-1-y
	endPos[5] = 1; // beginning point-1-z
	let endAttr = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( endPos, 3 );
	geometry.morphAttributes.position = [ endAttr ];
	const line = new THREE.Line( geometry, material );
	line.morphTargetInfluences = [ 0 ]; // 1 entry array, values 0 - no influence to start
	scene.add( line );

then later in my code, I add a keyFrame to an existing animation clip that changes the morphTargetInfluences:

	let times = [ 0, 2 ];
	let values = [ 0, 1 ];
	let name = line.uuid + '.morphTargetInfluences[0]';
	const morphKF = new NumberKeyframeTrack(name, times, values);

The animation morphs the line from P1 (0,0,0) - P2 (.5,.5,.5) into
the line P1 (0,0,0) - P2 (1,1,1) over a 2 second time period.

Things I learned along the way:

  1. the items you are morphing between MUST match!!! A 6 entry array of 1 item each DOES NOT match up with a 2 entry array of 3 items each.

  2. the morph entries are all arrays (even if there is only 1 entry).

  3. the morphTargetInfluences goes on the object (in this case the Line) that hold the geometry.

Hopefully someone else finds this example and notes helpful.

  • Happy Coding!