Updating ThreeJS Library breaks GPGPU Example with "No OES_texture_float support for float textures." error

Hi, Im studying the ThreeJS gpgpu Example
and noticed that upgrading the ThreeJS version to r120 or above throws “OES_texture_float extension not supported” error.

What may be the problem here? Everything was running fine before upgrading the ThreeJS Library.

Also, if this has no solution, is there another acceptable way to initiate thousands of positions and manipulate them via shaders?

what does your shader code look like? you may need to make some changes to it… if the vertex shader requires access to your BufferGeometry.attributes.position. then this may be a cause for concern…

also, does this example run on your machine? this is using the latest version of three…

Hey thanks for the reply, I had downloaded the example files from here

then i started editing.
All I changed was the threejs file to get the errors, but thanks for telling me the uploaded example used the latest version. I think I’ll be able to find a solution by looking at that one instead, since the one I dowloaded may be outdated

The third party files are not compatible to the three.js release you have picked. It would be necessary to apply various code migration tasks to the GPGPU-threejs-demos code.

However, you don’t have to do that since most of the examples are part of the official repository since quite a while:


@yombo Would it be an option to delete the GPGPU-threejs-demos repository? Or at least archive it and update the readme to guide users to the three.js repo?


Hi Mugen, you’re right! Importing the GPURenderer by doing

import { GPUComputationRenderer } from "three/examples/jsm/misc/GPUComputationRenderer.js";

solves the issue. Thanks!

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Sorry for the delay. I’ve updated the README.

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