Hi, I’m new to Three.js, and I tried to import a glb 3D model, but I got this error:
Unsupported glTF-Binary header: Expected “%s” to be “%s”.
This is the model I used. I made it on Blender 2.8 and exported it to .glb. Hugo.glb (15.4 KB)
I searched for a similar issue, but I didn’t find anything
Hmm, not sure what’s going on there. It might be a Webpack issue, not importing the model correctly.
I can’t help you with webpack though. Also, my cursor in codesandbox is a couple of characters out of place, so its very hard for me to make edits to you files. Not sure what’s going on there.
You have the three.js package twice, and you don’t need three-gltf-loader:
I have been encountering this issue as well, but I’m not using a package.json.
I’m using Blender 3.0.0 (vsc live server to open it) and export it with the GLB format.
I get the same error oddly
This kind of error usually has something to do with your local development server or how it’s set up. I’d suggest starting a new thread and sharing details about how your project is set up and someone will be able to help.