WEB racing in WEB3 format. Stage: Pre-Alpha, initial development.

UNREΛL RΛCING is a racing game in WEB3 format. It works in the browser, on any device, without downloading or installing. Trade relations between players are built with the in-game currency URX. Players earn URX as a reward for their achievements.

about project: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.


Beautiful and captivating.

(Performance was OK, but my laptop fan got crazy)

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It shuts down the laptop just when my gaming laptop was about to take off

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Try it from your smartphone. I’m also interested to know how it works for you.

Try using draco or compress the texture using online jpg compression

We have an update, added AirDrop to $URX for each victory over the bot and graphic effects.


For NFT owners, we’ve added the function of a car change in the garage and started to support the Polygon network

New pack production process

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Good sand vizualizaciya

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We continue to expand the functionality of MVP.
PvP tournaments and new pack now available.

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Awesome … Love the dubstep vibes

Edit (Just noticed) : The discs turns red when you break, that’s some attention to details.

The $URX drop has started!
For every good report on bugs and optimization 500 $URX

Write your reports here and indicate the EVM address of a compatible wallet for the drop.
Let’s go!

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Impressive project!