Greetings! I have tested the following code and encountered an error:
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import * as THREE from '';
import { FBXLoader } from '';
I received the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier “three”. Relative references must start with either “/”, “./”, or “…/”.
I have searched for this error, including in this community. However, I cannot follow the instructions provided because, due to company protocol, I cannot use the NPM installer. Thus, I have imported three.js directly from the URL. The other code file worked well with the import from the script:
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<script src=""></script>
How can I properly import three.js using this method?
- Consider changing the company
- Being forbidden from using npm does not stop you from using vite / bundlers / installing modules so to speak. You just npm-install it once, then remove package.json and just commit node_modules together with the entire project (whether that’s a good idea or not - I’d leave for the company to decide ) That way you can use vite and threejs in a pleasant way.
- If you cannot use npm - I’d still avoid using CDNs. Download the .js file from the CDN and store it within the project files - CDNs are not a production-ready solution, as soon as a CDN goes down so will your project and you will be able to do absolutely nothing about that fact.
- But going all the way back - to use three in a non-modular way you cannot do this:
import * as THREE from '';
import { FBXLoader } from '';
Instead just do this in your HTML (use /js instead of /jsm in path; and you have to import everything from examples
directory separately, imported addons will be usually appended to the global THREE scope; and you’re limited to older versions of three as new releases do not offer js builds anymore):
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
And then in js use it as:
new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
new THREE.FBXLoader();
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Hey, the following works in e.g. Chrome and Firefox:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>three.js bootstrap</title>
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"three": ""
<script type="module">
import * as THREE from "three";
import { FBXLoader } from '';
console.log('THREE', THREE);
console.log('FBXLoader', FBXLoader);
<h1>Using three.js without a JavaScript Bundler</h1>
I got the best advice(1.) thank you