Hey, I have GLTF model in which there are shape keys are present. I am trying to create animation clip from sequence of morph targets using “CreateFromMorphTargetSequence” from AnimationClip in threejs. I am making the animation but when I play the animation no animation is playing. I am trying to move the lips of the character model to make the look like a talking head.
I don’t know what I am doing wrong, please help
async addModel() {
let model = await this.loaders.loadGltfByUrl("/models/Facial_Expression_Character.gltf");
model = model.scene;
model.scale.set(10, 10, 10);
model.position.y = -16;
const morphObj = model.getObjectByName("Face");
const morphAttributes = morphObj.geometry.morphAttributes;
this.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(model);
var sequence = THREE.AnimationClip.CreateFromMorphTargetSequence('animation', morphAttributes, 60, true);
var animation = this.mixer.clipAction(sequence);
animation.clampWhenFinished = true
console.log("Model Setup Done!");
return Promise.resolve("Model Setup Done!");
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@donmccurdy @Mugen87 @drcmda