Uint32 custom vertex attribute rejected as invalid

When I load a tiny gltf with only 1 rectangles using COLOR_0 everything is ok using those shaders:
The green rectangle made of 2 triangles appears in any viewer .

	  <script id="vertexShader" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
		#version 300 es 		
		in vec3 color;
		attribute uint thematic;
		//layout(location=2) in  uint thematic;	
		out vec3 vCouleur;
        void main()	{
			gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
			vCouleur = color; 
			//if(thematic > uint(0x00FF))	 vCouleur = vec3(0.9, 0.1, 0.1);
     <script id="fragmentShader" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
		#version 300 es
		in vec3 vCouleur;
		out vec4 out_FragColor;
        void main()	{
			out_FragColor = vec4(vCouleur, 1.0); 


"asset" : { 
"version" : "2.0", 
"generator": "GeoMaitre20" },
"extras" : { "REM" : "test for custom vertex attribut" },
 "scenes" : [ { "nodes" : [ 0 ] } ], "scene": 0, 
 "nodes" : [ { "mesh" : 0 } ], 
 "meshes" : [ 
 "primitives" : [ 
 "mode" : 4,
 "attributes" : { 
   "POSITION" : 1 , 
  "COLOR_0":2 }, 
    "indices" : 0 } ] 
 "buffers" : [ 
{ "uri" : "data:application/octet-stream;base64,AgABAAAAAgAAAAMAAAAAAIptJr94/j4/r5UTPnP1cwHZnCW/a7w/P5/cEj5z9XMBNkklv2u8Pz8Zoxg+c/VzAX4ZJr94/j4/cGMZPnP1cwE=",
 "byteLength" : 80 } 
"bufferViews" : [
  "buffer" : 0,
 "byteOffset" : 0,
 "byteLength" : 12,
 "target" : 34963 }, 
 "buffer" : 0,
 "byteOffset" : 16, 
 "byteLength" : 64, 
 "target" : 34962,
 "byteStride": 16 

 "accessors" : [ 
 "bufferView" : 0,
 "byteOffset" : 0, 
 "componentType" : 5123,
 "count" : 6, 
  "type" : "SCALAR", 
 "max" : [ 3 ], "min" : [ 0 ] 
 "bufferView" : 1,
 "byteOffset" : 0, 
 "componentType" : 5126, 
 "count" : 4, 
  "max": [-0.6456483603, 0.7489687800, 0.1497933865] ,
 "min": [-0.6501089334, 0.7460703850, 0.1434197277],
 "type" : "VEC3" 
 } ,
 "bufferView" : 1,
 "byteOffset" : 12, 
 "componentType" : 5121, 
 "count" : 4,   
 "type" : "VEC3", 
 "normalized" :  true 

Now if I change COLOR_0 for a custom attribute named _THEMATIC , “componentType” : 5125 and accessor type by SCALAR and remove normalized everything is accepted in Khronos validator and draw in viewer like gltf.insimo.com

It also draw OK with 3js if I do NOT use the thematic attribute. When I do I got this error

GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Vertex shader input type does not match the type of the bound vertex attribute.

But “componentType” : 5125 IS uint.

So, what am I missing?

It seems that integer attributes are not yet supported. They only work in WebGL 2 anyway but the renderer does not make use of vertexAttribIPointer() so far.

I mostly work with GIS data and really need custom vertex in webgl2

Any idea if there is work in progress To implement Uint32 ?

I’m working on it^^

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Still working on it ?

Would be nice.